
Teaching the young… and the young teaching the old!


I'm thrilled to say that last week’s Friday Frock was snapped up the very next day. What I didn't mention in the email was that it was created by my intern, Justine. When she arrived, I asked her what she would like to achieve during her month with me and on her list was to design something for my collection.  


Letting go … which isn’t easy!

I took a big gulp and said OK, but it had to be to my standard and in my style. It was a good lesson in letting go and believe me that was difficult! She adapted one of my existing patterns, creating lots of panels and using many different fabrics. Amongst other things, she was taught how to iron properly (exert some force rather than just tickling the fabric, always iron after each step…), how the fabric would hang depending on the quantity used, how to mix different weights of fabrics together.

Supporting new talent. And loving it.

I was delighted with the result. The decision not to previously mention her contribution was so that Justine could see that her garment was bought on its merit. My client was thrilled too because she was a local villager and has supported a, hopefully, up and coming local designer. 

In my next blog I’ll show you the other garment Justine designed, using her fabric choices, for her to wear, but staying faithful to my style. And I'll tell you how it turned my design world upside down!

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Love it, and the spectacular fashions


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